LAPP - LA Petite Patisserie
LAPP stands for LA Petite Patisserie
Here you will find, what does LAPP stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate LA Petite Patisserie? LA Petite Patisserie can be abbreviated as LAPP What does LAPP stand for? LAPP stands for LA Petite Patisserie. What does LA Petite Patisserie mean?The United States based company is located in Dumont, New Jersey engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of LAPP
- LA Playa Properties
- LA Photo Party
- LA Petite Production
- LA Petite Pierre
- LA Palma Properties
- Locally Administered Projects Program
- Local Agenry Pavement Preservation
View 14 other definitions of LAPP on the main acronym page
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- LFS Luxury Financial Solutions
- LPSM LP Social Media
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- LRC Life Resource Centre
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